Tuesday 23 December 2014

Amended Bushfire Management Overlay requirements

On 31 July 2014, VC 109 amended bushfire protection arrangements applying to land covered by a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) in a planning scheme, notably Clause 44.06 Bushfire Management Overlay (click here) and Clause 52.47 Planning for Bushfire (click here).

A new Planning Practice Note 65 (click here) was issued in September to “provide advice on preparing and assessing an application under Clause 44.06 Bushfire Management Overlay.

The CFA has also issued revised “Standard Planning Permit Conditions (Bushfire Management Overlay)” (click here).

Anyone wanting advice on such planning scheme requirements should contact the municipal council administering the planning scheme involved and the CFA. However, a disturbing feature of an application for a permit is that some council planners seem to ‘drip-feed’ requirements, which add time, cost and frustration to borne by applicants.

As time permits I will continue with this blog to the extent I consider necessary to increase knowledge of bushfire behaviour and related matters.