Friday 24 March 2017

Wye River–Separation Creek bushfire — some personal agony

This time something different, a couple of personal accounts of the Wye River–Separation Creek Christmas 2015 bushfire and its aftermath.

The first an illustrated "story in rhyme" from Peter Jabobs, many years a permanent resident. Much food for thought here.

And the following sent to me by Andrey in response to my posting of Monday, 20 March 2017 with the important part reproduced verbatim except for the asterisks:

Your experience, analysis, and persistence in providing this information is the only relief I can embrace in the ongoing misery that sees me leaving my Wye River home of 15 years.

I can't afford to rebuild and adding insult to injury, I'm forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a "minor work order" to stabilise my land against erosion and slippage. This is money I don't have, nor will ever recoup. Alas, it is only money. What is more important is the subsequent breakdown of my relationship with my partner/kids and general well-being.

Whilst I realise it may be human nature to want to blame others for one's misfortune that will not return the life I had. I believe in being accountable for my actions and hope that lessons shall be learnt from this debacle.

The information you provide rekindles the thoughts and feelings I had very soon after that black christmas day, the same thoughts and feelings that ******* so expertly managed to politicise in the aftermath.

I know Peter Jacobs and am very happy to air his "rhyme". Andrey I do not know personally, but am satisfied that his is from the heart. I imagine there are many similar stories out there.

Finally, this posting is not about self-promotion but providing a platform for a few people to tell their stories—some of which I find heart-rending—people who unlike the government and its agencies can't whistle up the media whenever they choose.

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