Wednesday 3 November 2021

Crooks, cheats, swindlers, hallmarks of the Andrews government

When I commenced this blog in 2014 it was initially intended to help people dealing with the requirements of the Bushfire Management Overlay as part of a planning permit application that based on my experience could be difficult process due to bureaucracy involved in the referrals requirements.

I soon realised that there were related issues that needed to be addressed. Unlike a government I don't have access to publicly funded spin departments, and journalists or talking heads, most of whom flit from lightbulb to lightbulb like moths and can't be relied on to dig deep on an issue e.g. management — or should I say mismanagement — of the COVID pandemic across Australia. I do my own investigative research to endeavour to expose the truth and I'm not rushing to get subscriptions or suck up to a politician of any stripe.

Since my last posting on 3 August 2020 a lot has come along to raise my concern, but I'll first confine myself to Victoria.

Part of my preparation for this posting has been to gain a better understanding of the meaning or application of certain words: crook; crooked; cheat; dishonest; fraud; honest; and swindle, according to the MACQUARIE DICTIONARY FIFTH EDITION published in 2009.

Maybe I should be a little more charitable and add "not fit for purpose" when calling out senior management and responsible Ministers.

I commenced my 13 July 2016 posting "The nature of bushfire Part 3 ... how fire moves across the land" with a discourse on a then recent visit to Berlin to learn about the rise and fall of the Wall or as the now defunct East German government or GDR named it, the "Anti-Fascist Protective Wall":

While in Berlin I also t:ok the opportunity to visit the Stasi Museum, formerly the Stasi headquarters. Stasi was the GDR's very secretive security organisation that had wives spying on husbands and vice versa, etc, etc and virtually everyone reporting on someone.

Chilling in many respects and I can relate the behaviour of the dictator Eric Honecker and his predecessors and their unelected functionaries to the behaviour of some “public servants” back home, but maybe a little more about this later. However, I imagine there are “victims” of Victoria’s Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) and other aspects of wildfire management or I should say mismanagement in various areas of Australia, who would see some connection.

Never did I imagine that I'd see myself living behind a Wall, in fact two Walls: one around Greater Melbourne and the other around the State of Victoria, but that's what happened to Victorians for much of 2020-21.

Plate 1
Photo: Nicholson

Plate 2
Photo: Nicholson

Plate 1 shows a remnant of the Berlin Wall that divided people and set one against the other in the former East Berlin, just like in Victoria. Plate 2 a contemporary view of controlled entry into and exit from Victoria at Wodonga from the NSW side, with due respect to Victoria Police members only following the CHO's orders.

Fed up with the failure of emergency management to prevent or at least minimise loss in a number of areas on 3 August 2020 I posted "Why people die from wildfire — failure to learn and adapt" . A now very relevant extract from that posting:


With EMV involved with COVID-19 in Victoria, is attention also being given to planning for the next wildfire season taking into account lessons that should have been learned from the 2019/20 fires?

As I understand the role, the Emergency Management Commissioner has overall responsibility for emergency management in Victoria, be it wildfire or a dead whale that attracts sharks to a beach, which brings me to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the EMV "Victorian action plan for influenza pandemic" published in August 2015 I find this disturbing:

1.8 Review The action plan is current at the time of publication [August 2015] and remains in effect until modified or superseded.

The action plan will be reviewed and updated every three years or sooner if it is applied in a major emergency or exercise, or if there is a change to relevant legislation or arrangements. [my emphasis]

Almost two years to the day a review is overdue. Were there no lessons to be learned from pandemics, etc e.g. Ebola that occurred elsewhere that we could have learned from? Or relevant lessons to be learned from management of wildfire in Victoria since 2009? Note that the responsible minister is Lisa Neville.

Sub-part 3.3 Consequence management is worth reading, too. Considering the scrambling to cope with rising case numbers and deaths suggests that Department of Health & Human Services Victoria has questions to answer. A deathly dereliction of duty? Note that the responsible minister is Jenny Mikakos.

Mikakos has gone, her fate described by some as having been "thrown under a bus". How long before a bus with the Honourable Lisa Neville's name on it comes along or maybe she'll live up to her Honourable title and resign, though little chance of that I suspect.

Plate 3
Photo: Nicholson

Taken at the 11th hour on 11 November 2008, the Cobbers statue at the WW1 Fromelles Memorial Park.

On the eve of Red Poppy Day in Australia, genuine Australians did not go to their deaths for a crooked government willing to do anything to remain in office in Victoria!

As always, I would welcome your feedback.

Note that the coloured text indicates links to further information to be clicked on.

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1 comment:

  1. You make a valid point about the ability to learn from experiences elsewhere. When Ebola breaks out in Africa, our elected leaders shouldn't just sit back and say "Whew! thank God it wasn't here." They should be actively monitoring what is happening, how it is being managed and, in particular, how the spread of contagion is being prevented. All this should then be included in an update of our own pandemic plans.

    At this time I see no indication that the Victorian Government has learnt anything from the COVID pandemic. They do not appear to have documented anything to update our pandemic plans with the learnings.

    The only thing they have done - and this is telling - is bolstered their own political powers by stripping the Chief Health Officer of his powers - and his ability to effectively manage an outbreak - and handed them to the Premier and the Minister. It would seem that the Government are more concerned about public perceptions of the Government. Pandemic management is now just another political tool.

    What next? Will vaccinations and RAT tests be provided on a preferential basis to Labor electorates?

